Year: 2015
Best Aerials of 2015
MVB SommernachtsALBtraumMVB
Quick stop New York
My flight arrived late in NYC so I had to change flight and spend a few extra hours in one of my favorite cities!!
Orlando Kennedy Space Center
Texel 2015
One of my favorite places!
Caribbean Cruise December 2015
My first travel to the Caribbean. Wow it was as nice and colorful as expected!! The Caribbean is a region located in the tropical western Atlantic Ocean, comprising the Caribbean Sea, its islands, and the surrounding coasts. The region is located southeast of the Gulf of Mexico and the North American mainland, east of Central…
The idea of this shooting was to create the mood of Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis”.
Lens Porn: Canon EF 50mm f1.2L USM
This is an amazing lens. Not at all perfect, but with a lot of character!
Cup Studio Still Life
Playing with a cup. And Light.
Studio Shooting Cherie
Great model – great photos!